Weekly Horoscope | April 22 – April 28, 2024 | Scorpio Full Moon  & Mercury Direct | Get out your birth charts, journals…whatever you got and dive in:   

This Week’s Overview: 

This week’s astrology will illuminate your Scorpio area of life. Imagine a dark house with twelve rooms, and suddenly, someone flips the switch in the Scorpio room, revealing everything within. Under the glow of the full moon, there’s no hiding. If this area of your life is flourishing, it’s cause for celebration, basking in all the beauty and blessings. However, if it’s an area where issues have been swept under the rug, they’ll be brought to light. The full moon, occurring at 4pm Eastern time on Tuesday, is an ideal moment to honor your successes and release what no longer serves you.

Mercury’s retrograde journey, toggling between 15 and 27 degrees since March, may have felt like a perpetual loop, particularly in the realm governed by Aries for you. However, starting Thursday, prepare to break free from stagnation and propel forward with Aries’ themes that resonate with your life path. Use the period from April 25th to May 13th to lay a sturdy foundation for your endeavors.

Applying to YOUR chart:

Which area of your life does Scorpio oversee for you? Take note if you have any planets or significant points near the 4-degree mark, as the impact of this full moon will be heightened. Now, shift your focus to your Aries house. What area of life does that represent for you?

Journal Prompts:

  1. Reflect on the Scorpio full moon: Celebrate your achievements. Identify what no longer serves you and be open to letting go. Envision your dream future for this area of your life.
  2. Reflect on the Aries Mercury Retrograde: Learn from challenges and insights gained. Plan the stable foundation when Mercury is direct. Visualize your goals and steps to make them reality.
  3. Reflect on yesterday’s Uranus and Jupiter conjunction in Taurus: Note any surprises or changes in your Taurus-ruled house. Anticipate exciting transformations over the next 14 years. Prepare for the journey ahead with optimism and readiness.

Until Next Week! Kris 


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